07/27/2024 adminq

Bluefin tuna is an oviparous tuna that grows very slowly and takes at least three years to mature. In the tuna market, bluefin like this can sell for 3,000 to 5,000 yuan a catty.

A bluefin tuna weighing 100 kilograms can sell for 300 thousand yuan, and two of them weigh more than 400 kilograms. two dog is excited to think about it
Ah Chun is also ecstatic, saying that this big tuna is worth hundreds of thousands. She has never seen such a big bluefin tuna in the sea for several years. The tuna is caught by fishermen all over the world, and the red list of the world’s nature reserves is extremely dangerous.
At last, the dinner table is delicious. Adele is a great cook. She cooks braised tuna with fresh and tender skin. two dog eats like a pig.
After eating and drinking enough, two dog stripped off her clothes and jumped into the sea to swim. Toshiba Li came wearing a pair of pants and a lifebuoy. She didn’t wear a cover to make two dog drool for three feet.
Toshiba Li threw up her hooves with joy as soon as she got into the water. Like a little girl, she shouted at two dog and dialed water. two dog was naughty and dived into the water. She hugged Toshiba Li’s slender thighs and played Lai Toshiba Li Gongyu and kissed her feet.
This scared Toshiba Li to scream and push her legs aside and say, Xiaolong, you are so bad! Seeing him staring at his proud part without blinking, Toshiba spat angrily and said, Xiaolong, where are you looking?
Chapter 4 holds its own words.
Pi two dog, hey, hey, a happy opportunity, and Toshiba Li took advantage of it. Adele, they are leaning against the railing to see Toshiba Li being eaten with tofu, and the ninja has to bite two dogs’ ears and say, Xiaolong, if you are naughty again, I will pinch you!
Two dog’s novel Sister Li, your meat is so elastic.
Toshiba Li listened to his little talk more and more frightening, and she blushed and didn’t dare to answer.
Two dog said that you are not a yellow flower blushing easily. This kind of woman is quite rare. He suddenly wakes up Sister Li. Your face injury is just not good. Be careful of bacterial infection when you soak in seawater for too long.
Hearing the bacterial infection, Toshiba Li quickly climbed the boat. Chun saw that her face was as red as an apple, so she joked before, did Ali eat your tofu?
See Ah Chun with a wry smile Toshiba Li corrected her and said that Ah Chun’s elder sister was a little dragon to help me heal my wounds. Before going to bed late, Pi two dog made a shift arrangement. Among the five people, Adele was in charge of logistics, and the remaining four were rotated. Toshiba Li and Axiu were on duty in the middle of the night. two dog and Ah Chun were in charge of making arrangements in the middle of the night. two dog took a break while grasping. Just lying down, I saw Adele come in with his head down.
She handed him a bowl of cow nai. two dog knew it was her in the bowl, and he didn’t say much. He drank it all. Adele motioned for him to lie down with her delicate hands. His solid back was massaged. Adele was a gentle woman who spoke softly. two dog liked to stay with her and felt comfortable with her. Although they couldn’t communicate in language, they got along for a long time sometimes.
Give a look and you will know the meaning.
Adele pressed her back to her leg. After pressing her leg, she accidentally bumped into him. The coccygeal region startled her, and her hands trembled. But soon she calmed down and began to be generous. The two dog red flag was fluttering in the wind.
After more than ten minutes, two dog couldn’t help herself. She suddenly grabbed Adele’s hands and put them on her body. Adele exclaimed. Then she blushed and gave two dog a massage in two rooms. She forgot to close the door. Axiu passed by the corridor with a basin. She felt that something was wrong. She just returned to the door and looked in through the crack of the door. I didn’t know if she had a look. Her eyes widened in surprise and saw Adele working harder and harder to serve Pi two dog.
I have to shout loudly that her little face is like powder, and her breathing is heavy. Before I know it, her eyes are wet and her body is soft. When the washbasin in her hand slides down, she makes a loud noise, which scares Adele. Looking back, I realize that there is no way. Suddenly, Adele has a look.
Burying his face, he got up and ran out.
Pi Er Gou quickly fell into a deep sleep with gratitude. When he woke up again, he found that the sun was shining on his ass. He slammed the dog’s head and said that it was bad. He overslept late. He had to get up at midnight and get dressed and came to the deck to see Ah Chun with a telescope on his forehead.
From time to time, I look out over the surrounding sea. Where’s Toshiba Li? She’s always on standby before guarding that heavy machine gun.
Seeing that she stayed up all night, her eyes were black. two dog said with great distress that Sister Li, why didn’t you call me in the middle of the night?
Toshiba Li smiled when she saw him get up and said, Xiaolong, you are the only man among the six people who is afraid that you will be tired and let you sleep a little longer.
"Li elder sister see you say I have so weak ji? Look at your eyelids fighting. Go to sleep! " Pi two dog saw that her handsome and delicate face became haggard because of staying up late. "Xiaolong will have a high tide in half an hour. When the tide rises, the chances of winning the beach are better. You should hurry and see where to land!" Hearing Toshiba Li say this, Pi two dog became curious. He was not a fisherman, and he was obviously curious about when the sea ebbed and flowed.
So he consulted Toshiba Li and told him that there will be two high tides every day, which can last about six hours. Today is the 27th day of the lunar calendar, and there will be a high tide at about 9: 30.
Pi two dog was surprised to say that Sister Li had so many doorways in it. It’s better to listen to your words than to study for ten years.
Toshiba Li said that it depends on you whether Xiaolong can land successfully. There are many reefs and dangerous undercurrents around the ghost island. Even Sister Chun said it was a ghost gate! At this moment, before Ah Chun strode, she whispered something to Toshiba Li, and Toshiba Li translated her words to two dog. I heard that "Sister Ah Chun, the little dragon, said that the ghost island is quite strange in shape, but the area exposed to the water is very large, but the water is eaten by seawater like a cone-shaped bowl.
Surrounded by whirlpools, big ships and small boats will be sucked in by undercurrents as soon as they get close. She asks you, how far can you jump at most? "
Several women have seen it with their own eyes and know that Pi two dog is an alien.
Speaking of flying, two dog is also a mixed bag of chen qian. When he has 150,000 divine powers, he doesn’t need the help of the apocalypse magic to fly more than ten meters. It’s easy to fly a dozen meters. With the apocalypse magic, he may fly far.
It’s hard to say now. He failed to get a fetus in Dantian, or he was still a fetus. There are about 5,000 kilograms of residual divine power. The magic weapon of Armageddon was taken back by Chen Yixin’s old son to fly the imperial sword, thinking that this guy replied with a wry smile that he could fly ten meters now, but no more.
A Chun shook his head into a rattle when he heard that it was ten meters. "No, no, the undercurrent around Ghost Island is twenty meters wide. My opinion is to give up looking for another island!" "Sister Chun, just because you can’t do it doesn’t mean I can’t!" Two dog said that Jean, the thug in Longdao, probably got the news. He must have sent a large number of cronies to search for them crazily. Maybe Geelong will lead a large number of bandits to reinforce them. You know Geelong has its own arsenal.
I don’t know how many maritime forces there are, especially pirates. It’s extremely scary and haunted. The island is the only island that keeps Pi two dog alive.
"Little dragon, what do you have to stare at the ghost island? Is there no other island except the ghost island where you can take refuge? " Ah Chun and Pi two dog argued with each other. "Easy landing island has long been taken by a ghost island to save lives! In this way, you can wait for my motorboat rehearsal first! " Ah Chun heard that he was going to land on a motorboat, and his face changed greatly. He hugged him in a hurry and cried and begged, "Little Dragon motorboat went in!"
Just turn it over. I won’t let you go! "Toshiba Li was scared, too. She hugged," Little Dragon Motorboat is to send people’s heads. You can’t go! "
Chapter 5 Tender Farewell
Both women are large-sized bibs, and the attractive part is in contact with him. This guy actually has an idea, and his heart is high, so he is quite comfortable. His mouth is heartless and he says, Sister Li, you have touched me.
Toshiba Li just found out that all her proud parts were in two dog’s place, and Ah Chun let him go one by one.
This guy thumped thumped to take a lifebuoy to the stern. A man as light as a swallow easily fell into a motorboat and untied the lanyard. He didn’t notice that this was a large motorboat with 25 horsepower. A tank of oil was full of 70 liters and he could cruise for three to four hours. Look at the oil meter. He asked Toshiba Li to hoist the oil to fill the tank. After that, Pi two dog began to cruise around the ghost island. Chun was right. Around four weeks, most of the waters were surrounded by reefs. In the past, there was a 20-meter vortex belt.
The whole ghost island is surrounded to form a strong suction isolation belt.
He tried to throw the lifebuoy into the vortex belt, and immediately swallowed it up and disappeared in a blink of an eye. Half an hour later, the sea floated hundreds of miles away from his position.
No wonder this island is called ghost island. It is so scary to say that it is a man-eating island.
At this time, Ah Chun and their friends did not worry about driving the fishing boat and followed them. Toshiba Li was afraid that something might happen to him and shouted "Little Dragon is back!" Pi two dog was unwilling that he wouldn’t listen to Toshiba Li. They dissuaded him from driving a motorboat to twelve o’clock. He was pleasantly surprised to find that this line had been extended to the island water. The reef was about two meters away from the water. This 500-ton fishing boat had a draught of two meters according to the east.
Zhili Popular Science Navigation Common Sense Every high tide can raise the sea surface to 10 meters, so that the reef is 10 to 12 meters away from the water surface.
According to the common sense of navigation, if a ship wants to pass smoothly, the actual water depth should be three meters to three meters higher than the draft of the ship, so that it can be safely counted. If it wants to catch the highest high tide and drive boldly, it can successfully land in Pi two dog. First, a coordinate point has been determined. This directly connected land reef belt just faces a hill, and there is a small tree just in line with the reef belt.
Of course, before the fishing boat landed, he had to drive a motorboat to wade in the water. Only when he was sure can he land on the beach. After all, the fishing boat still has five fresh lives. Before he died, Pi two dog returned to the fishing boat and wrote a piece of paper calling Toshiba Li aside and handing it to Toshiba Li. He ordered, "Sister Li, I have stepped on a point and I have to wade in the water first. I mean, in case I don’t come back, you dial this note."
Ask her to help me collect the body! "Toshiba Sally learned that he was going to land on a motorboat, and she was so scared that she cried and said, Xiaolong, you can’t go. If anything happens to you, what shall we do? We women have been robbed of this marginal sea by pirates or shot and begged by Jean.
You, you don’t take any chances, okay? Two dog saw her crying and became a crybaby. This guy is really not afraid of it in his heart. After all, he has made such a big career and his fortune has reached 100 billion. China is the top ten bosses. Besides, how can he not marry her?
What about death?
His grand goal has not been completed yet, and he can’t die. He is now aiming at arrogance and threatening to make China rich and bring China into the ranks of developed countries flush with Millikan.
There are dozens of women in Da Nai Village and nine planets City who depend on him for food. He just left, and there is too much to be reconciled to.
Now he cares too much, and his life is not his own.
But if you don’t give it a shot, the six of them will die faster and succeed, and there will be a chance to go to the ghost island. Pi two dog has made up his mind to bid farewell to Toshiba Li. "Sister Li, you are a brave woman, and your heart is as good as Sister Adele’s. Even without me, you will be able to live a long life! You are beautiful and I like you very much. If I don’t go to heaven, I will never forget it.
You! "
"Xiaolong, you must go, right?" Toshiba Li wiped a handful of tears and looked at him pitifully.
"Yes, I want to gamble my luck to survive!" Two dog’s eyes are determined. "I’ll go with you!" Toshiba Li threw a big bang, saying that if two dog really had an accident, she and Sister Chun would soon be caught by the cruel Jean, and once they fell into Jean’s hands again, they would all die miserably, tortured and returned by Jean.
Why don’t you die less with two dog and die with dignity?
"No, it’s not worthwhile to die in case of capsizing. If I die, you and Sister Chun may escape from Jean’s clutches!" Pi two dog shook his head into a rattle.
At this moment, Ah Chun, Adele and Axiu all gather together to come to Ah Chun. Feeling vaguely bad, they ask Toshiba Li. Toshiba Li doesn’t want to hide it. Just spill the beans and tell the whole story about two dog’s crazy plan.
Several people turned pale when they learned that he was going to drive a motorboat to the beach, and they all expressed their opposition to not letting him go anyway.
However, Pi two dog decided to settle the matter, and no one could stop him. Chun and Adai both shed tears in fear.
Adai knew that she couldn’t stop him from taking risks, so she called him to the cabin, stripped naked and stared at him affectionately.
She thinks that the ghost island is more dangerous than it is. Maybe this is the last time she meets Pi two dog. Once two dog is in distress, it means that heaven and man are separated.
Although she didn’t get along with two dog for a long time, it was less than ten days. She lived with two dog and experienced the test of a narrow escape. In her heart, she had long entrusted this tall muscular man with her life. To be with two dog, she wouldn’t be bullied by the cruel Gene. When she was a slave, she would scold Gene if she wanted to fight. She lived a violent life without any dignity. Only when two dog respected her, she gave her man love and comfort.
What about Pi two dog? Facing this kind-hearted daughter-in-law, he is also full of mixed feelings. I really don’t have any confidence in this trip. In case the high tide comes and the water level is several meters higher and a new undercurrent is formed, a bad one may be buried in the sea.
Adai saw that he was stupid and didn’t make progress. She simply threw herself out and blushed and said, Xiaolong, I’ll give you my body and you want me! Seeing her tender feelings, two dog became crazy, grabbed Adele’s beautiful lines and kissed her lips …
Chapter 6 Recurrence of Old Injuries
After that, Adele showed a happy smile and hugged him deeply, just like a loving wife snuggling up to her husband’s arms. Suddenly, she looked at two dog and was shocked. She said, Xiaolong, why are you still so magnificent? Pi two dog said that when I have 150,000 Jin of divine power, it will take several times to deliver the grain. Now I have 5,000 Jin of divine power, and I can still see the red flag flying. Obviously, she has never seen such a scary and stalwart man. He laughed and said that Sister Adele waited for me to come back triumphantly.
Make sure you’re in the clouds
I didn’t know that Adai seemed to understand what he said, but she took the initiative and the two of them did something bad again …
In the middle of the battle, I suddenly heard Toshiba Li banging on the door and excitedly said that Xiaolong would come out to watch the rising tide!

07/26/2024 adminq

At that time, the whole live broadcast in Jia Ling was boiling!

The public screen is unclear, and the word "6666" floats
Jia Ling was speechless when he saw this 15-level clothing.
Even the well-informed 19 Shenwei boss snoring pig was speechless at this time.
This equipment is against the sky!
Don’t say hundreds of thousands is millions, it is also free to sell!
And at the moment, in Jia Ling live broadcast,
"Elder brother Yichen, if you can take the elite view of the First Five Villages, it will be stable. After all, your hardware has already exceeded one million, and the weapon is as high as 96. If you bring this dress …"
Several players in Gulangyu team around Yichen swallowed their saliva and said to Yichen.
They want to buy this dress if they can, but they don’t have the ability!
Their own account is only a few hundred thousand, and the price of this dress is as low as one million.
Level 15 Cihang Men’s Clothing! The double explosion reached more than 7 and the defense was still sensational more than 33! This has broken through the common sense of fantasy westward journey players and refreshed their outlook on life and world view, okay?
At this time, the client’s eyes are red, and there seems to be a beast roaring and crawling in his throat.
It is because he has been playing Fantasy Westward Journey for so long that he has never been so excited as he is today.
He is bound to get this dress!
However, in reality, a young entrepreneur, Yi Chen, who is self-employed and whose assets have to exceed nine figures, also has his own set.
He knows that he must not shout out that he wants to buy this equipment at this time. Because of his identity, there is a brick to attract jade. He naturally understands that if he really opens his mouth, it is likely to attract other hegemonic teams in the elite world to rob him.
Moreover, he also saw many acquaintances in the live broadcast of Jia Ling.
People like sk team and arry team also have mixed people at this time.
And these people are similar to Yi Chen’s idea, and they didn’t speak at the moment.
But just because they don’t talk doesn’t mean others don’t talk.
There are still some bosses eager to try in Jia Ling live broadcast.
"I want this dress for the anchor for 500 thousand. I don’t know if you can give me a boss’s contact information. You can ask him to put the treasure cabinet directly. I’ll make it public in an instant."
On the public screen, a dream friend soon sent out his intention to buy.
When I saw that this boss was going to spend 500,000 RMB to buy this piece of artifact equipment,
Most people laughed at the live broadcast.
"DZZ50,000 wants to buy this equipment? Isn’t this an idiotic dream? "
"I want to say that this equipment is worth millions!"
"The estimated transaction price should be 1.5 million to 3 million."
A large number of dream friends washed away the boss’s speech just now, but although Jia Ling and snoring pig didn’t speak, the dream friend also knew that he was hopeless. Just now, 500 thousand was the highest price he could pay, and he didn’t have that much money to add.
This is also the case in China. Although there are not many people who can afford it, there are a lot of people who eat melons. Soon everyone discussed the price of this dress.
Some say 1 million, some say 2 million, and some even say 3 million to 4 million less.
It’s also at this time that a member of sk team can’t sit still, so really, according to these people, it’s okay to raise the price of clothes to such a high level after reading it.
So he immediately public screen to send a way
"Anchor I am the sk team of Fantasy Westward Journey 69 elite. I am interested in buying this equipment for one million. Do you think you can let me talk to my boss? If we can talk it over, I can book a plane ticket and fly there for on-site transaction. "
Seeing this sentence on the public screen, most of the dream friends in Jia Ling live broadcast gasped.
Oh, my god This is a million dollars!
Say it’s a disaster!
However, due to the recent emergence of a team of dreamers in the elite, most of the dreamers’ eyes have also noticed the elite, and everyone has learned a lot about this sk team. They know that this sk team is a well-known and arrogant team in the elite.
Last year, they won the championship in the face of Jingwu God.

07/25/2024 adminq

And soon after, lu shan, the killer, once again appeared strongly as the fifth monk in the mainland who appeared in the virtual spirit.

The five people got together and exchanged ideas, and at the same time, they deeply shocked a series of feats after Sun Hao’s soaring.
Especially Wei recruits admire Sun Hao even more deeply.
After the reunion, they were regarded as the five heroes of the new generation of the human race. They swore to heaven that they would never die with the flying Terran in this life.
There are many people who swear like this in Terran shrines, but many people don’t have their influence, so naturally no one doubts that they will come from the same world.
Later, a large school of Terran brothers saw Xia Qingyu, hoping to form a Taoist couple, but Xia Qingyu refused to become angry from embarrassment and struggled with the power of the sects to prepare for coercion.
Xia Qingyu doesn’t want Terran to tell her origin, but she is a Taoist couple in the world of agarwood.
In the Terran, the virtual guarding power is that the white-haired monk who once kicked off Sun Hao’s body was alarmed and appeared to severely punish the perpetrators and personally accepted Xia Qingyu’s brother, which created the virtual lofty position in Xia Qingyu. Of course, the contradiction with the flying Terran was impossible to reconcile from now on.
Master Zheng Yuan once told her that Sun Hao would have a chance, but it would be as hard to know and urged her not to look for it in vain, because that would expose Sun Hao and let Jordan, the flying man, master the clues of Sun Hao.
Xia Qingyu also knows that Master is not the bitterness and indignation of Jordan’s opponent.
This time, the Teoman mainland opened the bucket world, and the summer rain came mainly to protect the sphere of influence of the Terran Teoman mainland and enhance the influence of the Terran as much as possible.
I never imagined that I saw Sun Hao who missed me so much here.
The vernacular of Dan Yu around me once again proves that the hill is Sun Hao.
Because Master said that Sun Hao is a purple and gold belt, which can instantly boost the morale of clan soldiers to a bloody level, be free from negative influences and be invincible.
Because master said that agarwood would escape the catastrophe and return to the Terran, then the Terran would be in great luck and develop rapidly.
Master said that it is too difficult for Aquilaria sinensis to enter the void, and it is too difficult to find opportunities.
But now that I know that Corleone has entered the virtual reality, it is just a kind of identity that I never thought came in.
And what he didn’t go back to Terran, there is no doubt that the time is not mature enough.
Tears gradually emerged from her eyes. If Xia Qingyu hadn’t been awake for thousands of years because of the experience of Terran leaders, she would have been unable to resist meeting each other on the battlefield at this time.
The enemy is a vassal of the Arab Flying Terran.
Once this occasion is recognized, the result will naturally be that Sun Haohui will be in danger again, and maybe he will have to get rid of the witch family’s wanderings.
Can’t recognize each other
Xia Qingyu also has a deep sadness in his heart.
I think of the tragic experience of Sun Hao after his soaring in the data. Xia Qingyu’s heart is even more painful.
Sun Hao was not happy to take the operation on the Ayi family.
In the past, the flying Terran Holy Land, the flying Terran Immortal Silver City could not stop Sun Hao.
Today, the cities of the Ala ethnic group in mainland Teoman can’t resist Sun Hao’s fierce attack, and the Ala ethnic groups are losing ground where the poor giant waved his blood shield and blood hammer.
Terran army followed Sun Hao and the big fellow Shenzhou quickly pushed past.
The flying Terrans and Terrans are sworn enemies, and the Ayu people are flying Terrans, running dogs and Terran warriors, and the Ayu people are bleeding like rivers without mercy.
The tragic war situation made the watching orcs tremble with fear.
If Lord Qianger hadn’t admitted that he was inferior, he might have been hit hard, and he would have been an orc.
In less than three months, the forces of the A ‘lu ethnic group in Dahan Shenzhou were uprooted by the three-clan allied forces, and few soldiers were able to withdraw from the A ‘lu ethnic group camp because of the tragic situation.
Sun Hao’s tall body is full of bloody and violent breath. Stop at the border of China.
The powerful momentum allows the soldiers of all ethnic groups behind them to wait and see from a distance and dare not get any closer. In the past three months, Sun Hao has shown a savage and violent way to the fullest, and the means are fierce and unreasonable.
Xia Qingyu stepped on the pike and floated in front of Corleone.
Sun Hao’s eyes were slightly red and looked at Xia Qingyu.
The two men looked at each other for a long time and said in a low voice, "Little Hao Ge, the rain is coming."
Sun Hao looked at Xia Qingyu with a sharp eye, and his hands shook with a hammer and shield. Then he shook his body covered in blood and ShaQi dispersed like the tide and whispered, "Come with me."
After that, I took a big step and flew up, and several jumps landed in the border mountains. Lang said, "I’ll take a rest first. After three days, the three armed forces will be ordered to go to the Ayi camp together."
Terran soldiers behind them should be holding weapons in their hands and crashing.
Morale is extremely high

07/24/2024 adminq

Nai was born early, wise and precocious. From the day she learned to read, she knew that she was not the same kind as those "creatures" around her who had similar shapes.

At that time, Pei Hui’s eyes were not the same species as human roots.
Compared with Pei Hui, who never forgets anything and knows everything at all, those who take several years to write and calculate normally cannot and are not qualified to be compared.
In that dark time, maybe grandma Pei Hui, who favored her, was the only street lamp that kept her from really going dark.
However, after grandma’s death, Pei Hui was completely out of control.
It’s like a lonely boat floating alone in Wang Yang has lost its sense of identity. Pei Hui neither recognizes that she is human, but she doesn’t know where she belongs.
In this case, the young companion will make a crazy decision to outsiders-she wants to create a similar one.
Since the environment where you appear is out of place, can’t you just make one with the same special kind?
It happened that Mrs Pei was pregnant with the third child at that time-Pei Wende, who had not yet been born.
So in order to let her future brother have the same characteristics, Pei Hui quietly adjusted the "embryo" level before she was born.
Those unconventional ideas and knowledge were conceived in Pei Hui’s mind at that time.
Unfortunately, Pei Hui’s current era is the peak of feudal times after all.
Compared with the highly developed humanities and science, the basic science in this era of the 21st century is not even called "budding", so it is impossible to give her too many opportunities to advance in theory and practice.
"So this is the truth that Pei Wende died before he was born?"
Stunned after hearing Pei Hui’s description, Xiaoqing couldn’t help but open his mouth.
She never imagined that Pei Wende’s "mystery of life" had such twists and turns.
"But this is the real truth."
There is no denying Xiaoqing’s problem. Pei Hui is a kind of slightly sad tone. Looking at silence, Pei Wende continued to say in a low voice
"Not only that, but also after you were born and diagnosed with stillbirth, I asked Xuan to activate Zhongnanshan Long Mai and then abruptly implanted it into your body …"
"Because at that time, I just got the status of’ Qingqiuhu Fox’, which is far from enough to deal with the outside world."
Compared with the truth that "Pei Hui killed Pei Wende", what she said now did not cause too much shock to Xiaoqing.
After all, the former Master Pei had already learned that Pei Wende’s "reincarnation" identity was really a matter of covering up Pei Huishen’s abnormality.
"Isn’t Long Mai implanted in my body to save me?"
After a long silence, Pei Wende spoke again.
"Maybe in fact, I did become a scapegoat for your disaster, but your original intention must be to save me."
Pei Wende is very sure about this.
Because if it weren’t for this, Pei Hui wouldn’t be looking for Tongqing Temple ten years later and would be obsessed with taking herself back to Peifu to recognize her relatives.
"What’s the difference?"
I couldn’t help myself anymore. Pei Hui was so angry that she twisted her face and roared.
"Anyway, the fact is that I killed you and made you a scapegoat for more than ten years!"
"if this doesn’t make you angry, I’ll tell you another fact!"
"Do you know why I didn’t take you away by force when I first climbed the mountain?"
"That’s because I made a bet with the old monk Lingyou …"
"If you can’t show enough self-protection, I’ll take you to live in peace even if I risk being hated by you all my life."
Here PeiHui tone paused a little before firmly said
"This white? I arranged the mandrill that you defeated at the beginning! "
"You almost died again. I arranged for the villagers who were protected by you to almost become the spirits of the mandrill!"
I have to say that Pei Hui’s "self-exposure" really gave Pei Wende a great impact.
"Did you do that … too?"
I can’t believe it. Looking at Pei Hui and crying, Pei Wende feels whole body strength as if this moment has been completely taken away.
"yes, that’s what I did!"
"Now you should know how hateful I am?"
"I wanted to give you the impression of a’ good sister’ before I disappeared, but you just forced me to tell it all."
"Now that you’ve succeeded, it’s time for a curtain call."
Looking up at the sky, Pei Hui tried her best not to cry, but her trembling voice revealed her true attitude.
"people like me have been a mistake since the day they were born."
Chapter 51 Qingqiu Fox Tu Shanshi
"people like me have been a mistake since the day they were born."
As if in response to Pei Hui’s words, before her voice fell into her hand, Jian Wan shook uncontrollably again.
It’s a pity that before Jian Wan broke free from Pei Hui’s palm, unprecedented changes in heaven and earth appeared.
"It seems that you have failed after all …"
Listen to the whole world "still" at this moment with a faint sigh.
Theory is struggling sword pill or aware of bad Xiaoqing …
It seems that this moment has been frozen, and all beings in Vientiane have stopped moving and become a "landscape" in the painting.
"Hey? Who is he? "
"It’s not easy to be able to’ seal the mountains and seas’ and still maintain yourself in superfine product!"
Pei Wende stared in horror at a "crack" leading to Jiuyou. The crack behind Pei Hui was like an eye from hell.

07/23/2024 adminq

"It’s my wife," Xiao Bailong laughed coldly. The pike in his hand kept stabbing the nine head worm back and forth.

The little white dragon is a quasi-strong bloodline atavism, but that nine head worm is also good. But the demon god’s first blood is dancing with two forks, and his parry strength is not inferior to that of the dragon three, and sometimes he can fight back.
The pig ancestor in Shuifu sneaked into Shuifu, but he saw a beautiful woman coming together and said, "Is this elder here to save your master?"
"Are you human?" Zhulaozu avenue
"I am an elf in this river. Today, I heard that the holy monk passed by here and would like to follow the holy monk to realize Buddhism," the woman said.
Looking at this beautiful female pig, the bodhi old zu frowned. "Where’s my master?"
"Elder, come with me," said the woman.
The pig bodhi old zu ran along with the woman and met a little demon to intercept the pig bodhi old zu. She swallowed the little demon rudely and then walked on to the water house and watched the burning Dan furnace swing around the house. The pig bodhi old zu said, "Where’s my old pig master?"
"The holy monk is in that furnace?" Nvdao
Looking at the burning Dan furnace, the bodhi old zu pig was so shocked that his soul flew up and his body was soft. He stumbled and almost fell to the ground. He suddenly jumped up and smashed the Dan furnace, only to see that Jade Duxiu was sitting safely and suspended in the whole body.
"Ok, ok, a false alarm, a false alarm, and a relic to protect the body. Otherwise, it would be really troublesome this time. I have come to the foot of the big screamo temple and been refined by the monster. How wronged it would be!" The mouth of the bodhi old pig moved to put out all the demon fires and ignored the jade show, but looked at the crystal floor. I laughed and giggled. "I have developed such a panacea, but it is rare for an old pig to return to his ancestors if I ate it."
Talking, I saw that the pig bodhi old zu threw his mouth wide open and the vortex swallowed up all the elixirs in the hall before I came to the front of Jade Duxiu and looked at it for a while. Seeing Jade Duxiu’s face safely, I nodded "Good, good, no damage."
"Master Master"
When the bodhi old zu called, he saw the relic flashing and instantly rotating the bracelet and wearing the jade left hand again.
Looking at the relic bracelet, the mouth of the bodhi old zu pig drooled. "If I swallow this relic, I can gain the power of the master. Wouldn’t it be beautiful to achieve instant success?"
I think so, but the pig bodhi old zu can’t really move. If it were anyone else, even if the present person is entrenched in Lingshan Buddha, the pig bodhi old zu would dare to be a thief, but he wouldn’t dare to do anything when he was once in charge of his own destiny.
"quit where is this?" Jade Duxiu slowly opened his eyes and his eyes were full of confusion as if he didn’t know anything.
"Master, this is the nine head worm Wansheng Princess Shuifu. These two adulterers and adulterers have caught you and refined you into the elixir of immortality. Fortunately, my old pig played it by ear and just drove the two goblins away and saved the master’s life." Pig bodhi old zu this fellow took the credit for himself without hesitation.
Looking at the pig bodhi old zu Yu Duxiu’s face showing doubts, the pig bodhi old zu looked calm but saw a woman walking forward with a ceremony. "My daughter is the spirit that formed this lake. When I heard the Buddha’s teachings, I was enlightened by the Buddha’s words, and I admired the Buddha’s dharma and invited the holy monk to take me in."
Jade Duxiu looked at the woman’s eyebrows and moved. "I learned from all men, such as taking in a daughter."
Pig bodhi old zu while hey hey say with smile "master this woman is water sprite to find a teapot to put up"
"Not anywhere!" Jade Duxiu flatly rejected this westbound road as a road to heaven and a road to merit. How can Jade Duxiu promise to plunder the fortunes of all major races by herself?
"Why don’t you go to the Guanyin Bodhisattva in the South China Sea to find the immortal way? We are about to arrive at Lingshan to worship the Buddha, but it is not appropriate to take in a harem," Yu Duxiu said.
After listening to Yu Duxiu’s words, the female Nai looked at the pig bodhi old zu with a pair of eyes. The pig bodhi old zu smiled hey hey. "Master has a heart of stone. You see, I have nowhere to go. Let’s go to the South China Sea early to go to Guanyin Bodhisattva."
After that, the pig bodhi old zu held Yu Duxiu in front of him. "Master, let’s go out."
The master and the apprentice ignored the woman and flew directly to the shore. They just heard dragon three’s dialogue with nine head worm. The pig bodhi old zu interrupted and joked, "nine head worm, you can’t do it. Your wife has been knocked out by my monkey club. I don’t know how many bars you have eaten. You should cheer and don’t call your wife humiliated."
"You dead pig, I won’t tear your mouth off." nine head worm heard that dragon three was too instantaneous to stab the bodhi old zu pig.
The bodhi old zu pig raised his rake to meet a collision between the two sides. The bodhi old zu pig retreated ten feet. Then nine head worm moved slowly and dragon three flew too fast.
"This Wansheng princess has proved that it is difficult to erase the road and I don’t know if it should be suppressed." Wu looked at the pig bodhi old zu
The pig bodhi old zu eyes turned around and said, "Master can use your prayer beads."
As he spoke, he didn’t give Jade Duxiu a chance to answer. The pig bodhi old zu directly grabbed Jade Duxiu’s arm and repeatedly rolled the rosary, then took a greedy look at it and threw it at Zhongyi. "Monkey, this is more than enough for the wonderful show of the ninth reincarnation to leave a relic, which contains the power of the small world to suppress this Wansheng princess."
Realizing a smile, a roll of sticks will instantly prototype the Wansheng princess, and the golden cudgel will occupy and realize that the golden cudgel will be stretched, and the Wansheng princess will be sent to see a rosary near the rosary, and the Buddha’s light will flow in the virtual world, just like a dream glass, and it will appear to everyone.
"Don’t!" Princess Wansheng screamed in horror, but she was still poked into the relic by enlightenment.
The rosary automatically flew back to Yu Duxiu’s hand.
Looking at a crystal-clear rosary, the pig bodhi old zu quickly leaned in and said, "Master is a Buddhist who can recite scriptures and practice them every day. This dragon lady will need a mount in the future."
"Well" looking at the pig bodhi old zu obscene eyes jade Duxiu suddenly one leng.
At this time, Wu came to the front of Yu Duxiu and looked at the glittering and translucent relic. His eyes showed appreciation, "What a good baby."
Pig bodhi old zu nai a sigh "what a pity"
"What a pity?" awake to truth
"It’s a pity that one is missing, or if nine relics are connected together, it will be a reincarnation. If the master reaches the Daoguo of Da Lei Yin Temple in this life and condenses a relic, it will be ten relics. When the time comes, the ten small worlds will inevitably evolve. The Hanazono Sakura world or the middle thousand worlds may also be possible. After all, those who have achieved a perfect reincarnation since ancient times have not yet had a mystery that can be carefully understood by the master himself."
"One less? Don’t be stolen "enlightenment one leng?
Pig bodhi old zu nodded and realized that he was grinning and scratching his ears.
Chapter 1675 Lingshan goblin kingdom
Now that Princess Wansheng has fallen, only nine head worm is fighting alone, then nine head worm’s eyes will know that the tide is gone when she is rescued by recovering Jade Duxiu.
Nine head worm played it by ear and dodged dragon three’s blow and turned to dive into the lake.
"Hum, there’s a way to heaven. You don’t take the hell gate. You throw yourself into this water. It’s my dragon territory. It’s your trap."
Dragon three is too sneer at instantaneous water waves towards the water killed in the past.
However, I saw that the water wave turbulence in the lake reached the unitary time from noon, and then I saw that dragon three, who was stained with blood on the lake, emerged from the lake with a head. "nine head worm has already be beheaded."
"Be careful"

07/22/2024 adminq

But also has that mean of accelerating with the fight.

Other body strength
That body is the strength born of fighting.
Now it is an unprecedented gesture of cheering!
Let his face be full of crazy smiles!
Every attack, every fight
Whether it comes from [Moreton] attacks or those interspersed with auxiliary attacks, the sense of crisis at hand makes [Luo Wei] feel unprecedented satisfaction and carefree!
Gain and loss?’
Life and death?’
Nothing matters anymore …’
To be able to let him continue to play like this …’
His heart is restless …
His opponent [Moreton] is also more excited at the moment. He feels that his joy is about to fill up …
Somewhere in the ruins area
Hundreds of millions of stars are floating here at will.
Great power is still surging like the tide of the universe.
And looking at the face even though it is close to death, I still try to continue to attack each other with a crazy smile.
His arms were broken, his face and skin were destroyed, and his chest was covered with dozens of wounds, big and small, and his heart was broken. Moreton’s face also showed a satisfied smile, and he raised his head and breathed a sigh of relief.
That’s a satisfactory answer to the eye result limit.
He felt the high pleasure from the other side …
That even if it is to sacrifice everything, it is necessary to satisfy the desire to kill at will …
When he calmed down and throbbed, he looked at his opponent again.
See him look from but serious and said
"Thank you for hosting me, and I have enjoyed a lot from it. I will be lucky with your body."
Words have no irony.
It’s a simple matter, just telling the truth.
Even more solemn.
There is no doubt that the body of a top strong man [Luo Wei] belongs to a kind of precious treasure!
The actual value far exceeds other relics.
Including that "killing god gun"!
Even if it’s Moreton, there will be other guys coming to pick up the body.
But for such an urgent matter
Have already put life and death out [Luo Wei] is no idea.
It’s just a corpse
Whether it’s being picked up and refined or simply being eaten directly, that’s it
He doesn’t even care about his own life.
How can you talk about what’s behind you?
When he slowly broke away from the pleasure of wanton killing, he looked at Moreton beside him. There was no resentment or hatred in his eyes, but there was a little inexplicable admiration. "I underestimated you before you did a good job, which really made me happy to fight physically and mentally … but you’d better be careful with that guy [Hung-chun]. He seems to be preparing something very special …"
When it comes to the back, maybe it’s a little uncertain.
He immediately added
"It’s probably like that …"
If you ask him how he knew about Hung-chun’s trouble?
The reason is simple.
Rely on his opponent, doomed love
What game does the other party want to play?
Even if he doesn’t investigate
Can also guess a seventeen …
It can be said that fate is at that level.
Old rivals are trustworthy!
I don’t even need to act, so I know what you think.

07/21/2024 adminq

In a short time, his strength directly rose by more than thirty percent!

The old turtle is concerned and hurriedly speeds up. This black magic river shuttles.
Woo hoo!
Suddenly, in the gray fog, there came a burst of low horn sounds, which were strange and unpredictable, filled with an ominous smell. The old turtle’s eyes suddenly became trembling with a surprised sound. "Master, ahead …"
Xiao Yu and others all looked at the past and couldn’t help eyelid drama beating.
In the gray fog, a broken sailboat bigger than a huge black one approached slowly, and the sails of the whole hull were worn out. When walking in the gray fog, it was blown by the wind and made a rattling sound.
The whole sailboat has no vitality and I don’t know how long it has been floating, like a ghost ship, which can’t be said strangely.
What’s even weirder is that there is a Bai Sensen figure at the bow of this black sailboat, wrapped in a white robe, with a long black hair scattered over the chest and back.
Xiao Yu eyes narrowed toward the white figure. The person’s cheeks were whiter than white, like they had been invaded by water. The two pupils were all black, and Bai Sensen looked scarier than others.
Xiao Yu’s heart is flashing, and his eyes want to see the source of this person, but suddenly his face changes slightly. This person has disappeared directly without a trace, as if he had never appeared!
They also couldn’t help face a change.
"Did you see it clearly?"
Yang LAN asked dignified? "It’s so fast, there is no trace and it’s hard to catch!"
Blood people eyes narrowed sink a way
Xiao Yu eyes tightly staring at the black sailboat, the black sailboat slowly across the planking from their side, and the rotten and moldy smell can be clearly smelled, which makes people feel pungent.
Waves of canvas scraped the sound, and this black sailboat, like this, Xiao Yu and a group of people stared at each other and slowly passed by them.
Xiao Yu stared at the black sailboat for a moment until the black sailboat had sailed out for thousands of meters before suddenly reacting. His eyes shot out and he shouted, "The number of people counted will not change!"
They understood what he meant.
The ancient beast Tuoshan directly counted it up for a moment and then suddenly exclaimed, "Where’s the friend? Dao Yan is missing. He came in with us earlier! "
They were taken aback.
Xiao Yu’s eyes shot up in the crowd and said, "How many people are there?"
"A total of 25 people are added up. In addition to the previous fallen Lu Daoyou, there are still 24 people. Now there are actually 23 people left who are missing!"
Ancient beast camel mountain shocked way
Suddenly, a piercing scream came out of the black sailboat in the distance, which seemed like a great torture than pain.
A room in the sailboat exploded directly, and a figure covered in blood rushed out of it, screaming in horror, "Help me!"
"My friend!"
They can’t help but face a change.
Yang LAN want to also don’t want to directly toward there blunt past incarnation cow demon bully body breath mighty want to cross the magic river, but faster than he is Xiao Yu a palm on his shoulder a huge force to suppress and directly from him.
"Senior, wait for me to come!"
His speed was terrible, and he rushed over thousands of meters, almost instantly.
The shadow taboo just rushed out and was dragged directly into the cabin by a terrible force again, and there were waves of low roar and screams, mixed with waves of low chewing.
Xiao Yu’s body was instantly covered by a layer of golden light and quickly became bigger. He rushed directly into the cabin and smashed the deck. He saw a shawl with a white figure lying there, chewing in a low voice, giving off waves.
The dark aperture taboo eyes wide open and his face turned pale, and there were some bloody big holes in his forehead, from which blood kept pouring out.
"Fang Yao dares to kill my people and die of old age!"
Xiao Yu heart rage a move.
He hit the past with a palm, and the huge and unpredictable palm force enveloped all sides like a dark cover, and the whole black sailboat shook and rumbled as if it were about to explode.
The white figure who was gnawing at the dark aperture taboo suddenly looked up and glanced at Xiao Yu’s body and disappeared instantly.
Xiao Yu slapped the virtual place, and the whole cabin was smashed through several pieces.
Suddenly, a white figure appeared behind Xiao Yu and leaned out a palm to directly grasp the back of Xiao Yu’s head.
Xiao Yumeng turned around and his body flagrantly hit the golden light burning in the past, and it was unpredictable to hit the white figure and fly it out instantly.
"Give me death!"
Xiao Yu came after her and went to the palm of his hand to rush toward that white figure.
The white figure gave a strange cry and turned to flee at a high speed, as terrifying as a ghost without touching his feet.
Xiao Yu’s eyes are full of pitfalls, and the causal wheel suddenly runs wildly, deducing the trace of the white figure, smashing the planks and directly chasing the ghost.
He made a quick, terrible and overbearing move, forcing the ghost to keep running away, and he couldn’t resist.
Hastily, the ghost could not retreat towards Xiao Yu’s pocket, but he was quickly greeted by a powerful palm. On the spot, he was beaten upside down by a palm, and a golden force crept into his body, which made him burst into a strange body and emitted a little smoke.
He turned and fled, but was chased by Xiao Yu’s causal lines behind him, passing through his body, but these causal lines passed through his body and didn’t hurt him. He was as unaffected as a virtual one. Xiao Yu’s eyebrows wrinkled and his body jumped again with a terrible flame.

07/20/2024 adminq

Gu Yun, an ancient real person, and Dali, a real person, went out to find treasure together, but unfortunately they fell apart forever.

After hearing the news, I remembered the regret of the ancient cloud, so I took the house in front of Guqiang’s grave and lived in Guqiang’s grave for three years unconsciously.
"The Taoist couple are flying separately when the forest birds are in trouble." Sun Hao looked far away and said leisurely, "Sister in law is so affectionate and righteous, but Xiao Yun must remember your kindness."
White silk face a dark light said "aloes real Xiaoyun world when there are many offended, please also real bear a lot …"
Excuse me, I haven’t finished four words. White silk, a pair of beautiful eyes suddenly opened wide and looked at the front in disbelief.
Guyun opened his arms to her with a smile on his face, and a tender feeling in his eyes gently cried, "Small silk …"
Back from the dead?
Surprise, excitement and happiness … Baiweiyong’s white silk called a "Xiaoyun" and threw itself into the arms of Guyun.
The two embraced, crying and laughing.
It was only after half a ring that I remembered that there was Sun Hao, the audience at the scene.
White silk with a blushing face pinched the ancient cloud handfuls of head hanging down.
Gu Yun threw a grateful look at Sun Hao, then patted White Silk on the shoulder and said, "Little Silk, come with me to visit my father."
A day later, sumeru condensate tower
White silk, a manor in front of the tower in the tower, asked curiously, "Xiao Yun, is this the magic weapon of Hao Ge’s life?"
Guyun nodded and smiled and said, "It’s amazing."
After laughing, I pointed to thousands of acres of Lingtian outside the manor. "This time I became a real Lingnong, Xiao Yan. Look, these Lingtian are all my credit."
Looking at Tian Bai, who is growing well and thriving, her silk face shows a bright smile, and she gently punches the ancient cloud and says, "Show off in an ostentatious manner."
Then Bai Juan said, "So to be honest, you have never betrayed Hao Ge?"
Gu Yun smiled and touched her nose. "Brother Hao treats me like a brother. He is my real relative. What do you think?"
White silk punched his chest again, and his mouth became warped up. "Now that you have a good door, you will announce that you have fallen." And didn’t you leave the door lamp destroyed? "
Gu Yun said with concern, "True Regal is irresistible. I didn’t expect Shen Changfu to have achieved the true gentleman. Strictly speaking, I have now fallen, but it is just a special way for my eldest brother to bring my special form back to life."
Say that finish guyun qi operation forehead appeared a big "will" word.
Pointing to his forehead, Gu Yun said with a smile, "Hao Ge’s magic weapon of life is a self-contained law. When I was ruined, Hao Ge put me in the tower and gave me a tower to help me through the difficulties."
Curiously touching the white silk on Gu Yun’s forehead, he asked, "Will the word be so magical that it can bring you back to life?"
Gu Yun smiled, "It’s just the law of the tower, but you have to know that if you gain something, you will lose something. I have come back to life. It’s good, but since then, it’s difficult for me to get out of the tower if I can’t reach a certain height. Now even if Hao Ge takes me out of the tower, my range of activities also limits the range of Hao Ge’s gods."
White silk said doubtfully, "That is to say, I am restricted from going anywhere?"
The ancient cloud nodded and shook his head. "The tower is not small enough for several countries, with mountains, rivers, rivers and lakes. I can go everywhere."
White silk hands clap breast mouth said "that’s more like it"
After saying this, the white face turned red and the white silk looked around and asked softly, "Then Xiaoyun, should we not all fall into the knowledge of Haoge? Wouldn’t that be bad?"
Guyun Zheng
The tower rang Sun Hao and laughed. "I didn’t chat so much to spy on your work, even though it was convenient for you. Hahahaha."
White silk face like a drop of blood ancient cloud wry smile unceasingly.
Chapter seven hundred and seventy-two Small Wan Xin
Xu ri feng yi pu tong tong dong fu
Wearing a plain clothes bun with a small wan cross legs and sitting in the incense, the quiet face is full of charm
Smoke flickers around ripples.
A figure appeared in the abode of fairies and immortals.
Feel the changes in the abode of fairies and immortals. When you open your eyes, you can’t help but look pleasantly surprised.
Sun Hao appeared in her abode of fairies and immortals when she was in Aoki Sect.
At this time, Sun Hao’s face was more complicated and there was a bitter taste in his faint smile.
Yingying got up and leaned slightly to Sun Hao and said, "Long time no see, Chen Xiang."
Sun Hao replied, "Xiao Wan, long time no see. How have you been?"
Xiaowan shook his head slightly. "To tell you the truth, Xiaowan’s recent situation is not very good, and his influence is gradually fading. Nowadays, many monks are harsh on Xiaowan, and some monks want to accept Xiaowan’s concubine …"
Sun Haohu’s eyes flashed clean.
Once the momentum is released, it will be hidden.
Feeling the momentum change of Sun Hao’s body, Xiao Wan’s face was miserable and sad, and he knelt down on his knees and said softly, "Chen Xiang’s adult Xiao Wan has been waiting for adults to come. I don’t know that adults have only been here for three years, but Xiao Wan has been living like a year."
I felt wronged when I spoke, and tears trickled down the futon.
Sun Hao quietly looked at Xiao Wan’s tears and felt a twinge in his heart. He couldn’t bear to sigh gently and said, "Xiao Wan, I don’t think you should let Gu Yun Tong Li’s brothers risk their lives."
Xiaowan knelt down on the futon and wept softly without speaking.
Sun Hao went on to say, "You shouldn’t let Idle Lang design and calculate that Shen Yu is in the same vein as the sunset peak."
Although Wu Xianlang didn’t tell Sun Hao the ins and outs of things, Sun Hao concluded that there was a small wan shadow in a list of things after the island where he was in trouble.
Facing Sun Hao, the two shouldn’t say "Little Wan is wrong" in a low voice.
Sun Haoyin softened a lot and said softly, "I know that Xiao Wan is Sun Hao’s vision of Sun Hao’s plan, but Xiao Wan wants Bai Sun Haoxin’s road to cultivate immortality, but it is a steep and chaotic road …"
Xiaowan’s creeping futon gradually stopped crying and gradually recovered. Listen quietly.
Finally, Sun Hao said, "Xiaowan is now childlike …"
Before Sun Hao finished his words, Xiao Wan said quietly, "Chen Xiang, you have spoken your mind, and you have spoken your aspirations and wishes. Xiao Wan also has something to say."
Sun Hao slightly one leng and then said, "but say ok"
Xiaowan said calmly and clearly, "Xiaowan left home and the fairy road was rugged and difficult, and the hardships were almost exhausted. Xiaohao, you gave me hope and gave me a new life."
Sun Hao also recalled Aoki Zongri’s soft heart.
Small wan yin also seems to recall the day when she said that her voice was trembling slightly, and her voice seemed to have a little bit of resistance. "But at the same time, Xiaohao, you also rubbed me and vigorously together, which made me and vigorously form a double cultivation couple …"
Corleone’s face was stunned and he said, "What’s wrong with Xiao Wan? I think it’s good that you are kind to Dali and depend on you. "
Bow your head and gently shake Xiaowan and say, "Young people don’t know the taste. Xiaowan regards vigorously as a younger brother, and vigorously regards Xiaowan as a mother, but they are more dependent on each other."
Sun Hao’s face was awkward.
Up to now, what is the love between men and women, Sun Hao, is still unclear. At that time, I really didn’t pay much attention to it, but it’s so small that I don’t know what the past means.
I didn’t see Sun Hao’s face and expression. Xiaowan continued, "Later, Xiaohao of the South Hospital helped us to make rapid progress, and I also guided Xiaohao to set up the Bamboo Garden. At that time, we were young and passionate, but we were still warm every time we looked back."
Sun Hao also couldn’t help but think of Aoki Zongri’s brothers walking hand in hand, laughing and sharing joys and sorrows.
Looking back now, Zhong Lin, the four brothers of the South Yard, has long been left behind. I don’t know that Gu Yun Tong Li almost died.
Many sighs
Sun Hao, Xiao Wan’s mood, expressed understanding, but Sun Hao found something wrong as Xiao Wan spoke.

07/19/2024 adminq

What Chen Bo hates most is this kind of rumor. Of course, he immediately asked who could make up the answer and turned out to be an actor in Fengyun’s crew. Then this matter would be better solved! It’s not good to block private morality mercilessly. It’s understandable that such unscrupulous people leave nothing behind and still hit the gun.

I immediately informed Jing Wong Hua, who is an agent, and knew how to solve this kind of thing. He didn’t have the heart to wave these trivial things.
He didn’t choose to go back to the company, but called the main leaders of Star Culture to Bailianjing Wharf. These two pieces of land are bound to be put on hold for a long time, and they will be criticized. Before the Expo, the situation was not good. Maybe no one noticed it, but now it’s different. I don’t know how many pairs of eyes are staring at it.
The Huangpu River flows downstream until the Yangtze River meets, and the late autumn monsoon blows a chill, and everyone is wrapped in a coat by the river.
"Pan Yue, how hard it has to be? Some 3 acres are not big, but not small. I plan to build a commercial headquarters here. These elements are modern, artistic, environmental protection and multi-functional. Not only that, but also a landscape along the river and a landmark building will be invited to bid for the ball architectural design."
"Which company is responsible for this budget? Now that two museums have been built, it’s too much for these two projects. "It’s not unreasonable for Pan Yue to complain.
"This land has a guaranteed budget of 500 million yuan, and it can accommodate 20,000 employees at the very least. Let’s take care of the problem from Xingchen first. Pledge Yanjing 79 first, but don’t pledge the whole block in stages."
Internet companies don’t care if they want to borrow money from the real industry, and regardless of the fact that the whole Pangu Group has a lot of money and places except Tengxun, they can’t spare any spare funds, and they will be strongly resisted by investors
However, the Star Culture hoarding land bank is a treasure in its eyes, and it is very easy to apply for pledge. Plus 79, now it is operated by Poly, and the surrounding land price has gradually increased, and it will be broader.
A consensus has been reached on the 2-mu foundation next to Bailianjing, that is, there are not many office workers here to build a garden complex with Jiangnan characteristics, and there are fewer enough to do exquisite garden styles such as small bridges and flowing water, pavilions and pavilions. Now it has entered the stage of bidding design, and according to the normal progress, the foundation stone can be officially laid next summer.
Beyond his plan, the Shanghai side started at the latest, but the progress was the fastest. He had been expecting Li Shusen to have the courage to fix the "super headquarters plan". Except for some movement at the beginning, there was no news at present, and the shareholders’ meeting was temporarily silent. The development of Pengcheng suddenly stopped so suddenly, which was unexpected.
Look at the situation here in Shanghai. It’s full of energy.
By yesterday’s press conference, Dongfeng GangFengyun OL test reached its peak in prime time, breaking through 50,000 person-times in one fell swoop. Although it is a pediatrician compared with the highest number of 650,000 people, it is also a good result.
You know, the odd registration number is 40 thousand, which is simply a giant monster grand game. The profit of this bloody odd year alone reaches 200 million yuan. Although MU, a miracle of the ninth city, has been operating for several months, it has earned a lot of money. Now low-end game manufacturers have already saved their strength and can’t wait to release a game immediately. This is all white flowers and silver.
However, there is a little penguin behind it to support the flow. OL theory is the story of picture quality and the eyeball effect. Although the future game operation income may not be too strange, the whole industry chain can definitely kill everything.
It’s almost the end of the year, and QQ Hall has also landed on the Tengxun game platform and entered the public beta. At the beginning of meteor butterfly sword, it has also actively entered the stage of announcement.
Zhu Jun of Jiucheng has asked Chen Bo to play football on more than one weekend, telling him that if you want to make money or the agent will deliver it faster, how can you stand it when you spend more than 100 million ordinary companies on this light investment engine? How many years will it take to get it back?
Chen Bo, of course, is dismissive of his operation mode. He doesn’t even have the key technology in his own hands. When the contract expires, others will be greedy for your position, so you can cry. So Zhu Jun is an out-and-out businessman. His demand is simple, but he is a better satisfied businessman. Otherwise, he won’t always play the game agent.
However, Shanda Chen Tianqiao is very ambitious. He deeply knows that the agent game is the first step to earn money. He has already taken the second step of independent research and development and game production. The horse will be available soon, and it has been tested. This speed is much faster than Chen Bo, not to mention that he is a game manufacturer in hindsight.
Chapter 93 Rumors are more wonderful than the truth
Liu Qinghe Chen Nian returned from Yanjing to arrange for employees to receive work here.
Chen Nian’s surname is not Chen, which is actually his pen name, formerly known as Wang Wei. Because he was the editor-in-chief, he has made more readers remember this pen name, Lei Jun Partner, and he has always been the executive vice president.
A simple small meeting finalized the future development direction of Dingdong.com and Joyo.com.
Ant Company’s excellent network assets are injected into Dingdong. com to obtain 15% new company shares.
Zhuoyue brand will continue to operate and change to Zhuoyue Mall, which will add more business categories, from franchised entity map shop to B2C online mall to sell self-operated products, while Dingdong is mainly aimed at C2C individual seller platform.
Lixingyun Express Pudong Airport’s 15 acres of idle land, Yangtze River Delta self-operated warehouse logistics center, excellent shopping mall Yanjingcang Center for expansion or another location, and Yangcheng suburb plans to build a self-operated center.
In one year, at least the logistics system in the three major economic belts, namely, the Bohai Rim, the Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta, will be built, and then it will gradually spread to provincial capitals and sub-provincial cities.
Chen Nian is still the executive vice president of the new company. Chen Bo really wants Liu Qing to take on specific duties, but now he is comfortable and reluctant to give up this capable assistant, but if she is multi-functional, even the fairy is too busy to handle, so put it on hold for the time being and then discuss it.
What should be the most popular product now? Then the answer most people give you is QQ group.
QQ registration has broken through the 1.5 billion time line, and there are members who can build a group. Although there are only five members in the group at present, if the group members recharge Q coins, they can not only increase the number of group members, but also increase the group ranking.
Group owners, the repressed people in the virtual world of illusory jobs, have been greatly enlarged, and they have gained a sense of satisfaction in real life. This innovative significance should instantly bring netizens who like to soak up * into the social group of group owners, bringing Tengxun not only more stickiness but also huge income.
"My heart will not die if I die in a small day. The Shanghai World Financial Center hides a huge conspiracy! !” In the past two days, there has been such a news quietly flowing in QQ group, which is shocking and constantly stirring up the Japanese hatred of Chinese people. At one time, it was copied, pasted and forwarded by many indignant patriots and then sent to various forums.
Tianya, Kaidi and Maopu forums were put on the top of the screen, and more posts appeared at the same time. From the perspectives of various metaphysical schools of the people, such as Yin-Yang, Feng Shui and Five Elements, why did the Japanese want to build a skyscraper in Shanghai and haven’t finished laying the foundation yet? Some people even think that this is to suppress the anti-Japanese heroes!
Well, a week later, the discussion was intensified, and it was directed at Risen Building Co., Ltd.
Subsequently, the investors and the net behind Sen Building were also pulled out one by one, Japanese and Americans were dark! In those days, the tallest building was tricked into building a ball, but now it is in a state of suspension!
Rumors are always more exciting than the truth, and they are also the most popular among the public. All people contribute to this incident. If this is the Weibo era, it will be a shocking news if it can be exposed for three days. But now the Internet audience is small, even if it has been flowing for half a month, it is still known by a small number of Internet.
It was not until the media joined the begging army in hindsight that this incident became more and more serious. Besides, the diplomacy between the two countries has already passed the honeymoon period, and the Japanese cabinet was not friendly to China. Before that, anti-Japanese sentiment gradually spread to Chinese and Japanese enterprises.
On December 13th, Jinling Massacre Memorial Day, young people launched a small-scale demonstration, and the unfinished building of the World Financial Building pulled out a piece of black paper with a white background, demanding that Sen Building get out of China and Shanghai!
On the afternoon of the same day, the person in charge of Sen Building finally arrived in Shanghai in a hurry and called a small press conference. He deeply regretted the anti-Japanese sentiment and said that there were some shortcomings in the design of the building, which would be rectified without taking care of national feelings but would not choose to give up.
After the conference, many real estate developers, such as Wantong Group, Shencheng Fuxing Group and Oceanwide Group, expressed their willingness to take over the World Financial Center and made an offer to Sen Building.
Of course, Chen Bo arranged the offer, but the price was very low. The news has almost spread all over the world, and the World Forest Building has been burned.
If you want to say that he has such connections, you can fool a bunch of irrelevant real estate developers to help out. This is of course the channel of Liu Chuanzhi. Although he has a minority stake in Lenovo and is still engaged in the I industry, don’t ignore that he is still wandering around the state-owned private business tycoons. His status is quite high.
"Thank you, Mr. Lu, Mr. Guo and Mr. Feng for their full support to the younger generation at the end of their studies!"
Chen Bo, a resort located in the western suburbs, sat down in front of three strange figures in the business world and gave enough courtesy. A glass of two and a half white wine went straight down his throat and his stomach was burning, and he suddenly jumped out of his stomach.
"Bold enough not the kui is our Qilu the yes" looks honest with Mediterranean hairstyle Liu Zhiqiang clap table shout.
He is older than Lao Liu in qualifications, and he is seen in energy, real estate and finance. He is also very low-key and well-known in the business circle. Most importantly, he has a friendship with Chen Bo, although this is only the first time they have met.
"Miss Lao, you have found a drinking buddy. Don’t be polite to us, Chen. Since Miss Liu said hello to us, you have to help us. Do you know what you plan to do after that?" Feng Lun, chairman of Vantone, has not lost all his hair, smiling and saying
"After China’s entry into the WTO, China’s economy is bound to grow at a high speed like a rocket, and several enterprises will be scrambling to get up like mushrooms after rain. Behind this, more capital will be needed to flow. Shanghai will inevitably use this wave of development to strengthen Asia’s financial position and catch up with Hong Kong Island and Tokyo, which is not a problem." Chen Bo said in a tone, "As the saying goes, it is not a personal contribution, but a friend to help each other. If several big brothers don’t think I am a temple, I might as well join in and earn some money."
Chen Bo had long expected that it would be easier for God to send him a gift than a big piece of fat. You can swallow it yourself. You are young and have no roots. Liu Chuanzhi is the leader of the Jianghu. Can you get so many people to come to your station in one sentence? If you think that, it will be enough for him to die a hundred times. All friendships are based on interests, otherwise you are not even qualified to sit with them and drink.
"I didn’t expect that you are not only the Internet, but also have a deep understanding of the real estate industry." Guo Guangchang, the angry chairman of Fuxing, nodded and smiled. This is the youngest of the three people, less than forty years old, and it is a veritable richest man in the city. That is blown out.
Not only was he born in poverty, but he also had a strange experience. Medicine, real estate, finance and even smelting industries were all involved.
"If you can finally get this land, the total investment is expected to be no less than 100 million US dollars. I want him to be a landmark in Lujiazui!" Chen Bo added, "You can subscribe as much as you need."
Wow, that’s a big tone. It’s because they, the business tycoons, have been fighting for years. If they want to invest hundreds of millions of dollars, they have to exchange it for a long time, because their wealth is real estate and company investment liquidity, which is very limited
"What’s your route? Brothers to through a bottom, we may as well relax "zhi-qiang liu at this time, this is an age when the father-in-law is an adult return not bashful call brothers.
"Well, then I don’t hide B≈ P American private equity funds and my Internet industry are all invested by them in Apple, right? Jobs matched their fund management assets to nearly 10 billion dollars. Behind it is that the gold owners are very optimistic about the development of our country, but they only entrusted me here without it. "
Liu Chuanzhi didn’t tell the truth. He wanted Legend Holdings to consider Chen Bo, and they didn’t trust him. Anyway, it’s not a crime to force you or to cheat you.
You have connections and I have money. Isn’t that a matter of course? It’s not once or twice. I want to say that the guy Bill Gates, the president of Microsoft, may come to China one day. He is a full-fledged businessman, but Jobs is different. He didn’t take a dump when he met the president, not to mention that he couldn’t see his eyes properly. It is extremely difficult to find him for information.
"oh? I know there is a B&ap in our country; P capital has invested a lot in the Internet, so it’s not their home, is it? " Guo Guangchang is well informed. I didn’t expect him to pay attention to the internet circle.
"Yes, they are, but I’m a partner, and the average person doesn’t know much about it." Chen Bo said indifferently that it’s not enough for you not to show some energy.
"If the other party is sincere, it will be much easier for us to solve this problem." Lu Zhiqiang wouldn’t have chosen the sea if he didn’t have the courage, and decided on the spot, "Let’s bring him this land first, which also shows our sincerity. Then let’s discuss the articles of association together and come out. The United States also hopes that you can communicate well."
"Rest assured that nothing will go wrong" Chen Bo promised naturally and happily.
Chapter ninety-four Darkness
After talking about business, this hard dish has come. It’s time to eat, drink and drink. After three rounds of wine and five flavors, this chat has also been a little better.
"I don’t know brother, which school did you graduate from?" Guo Guangchang was so red-faced that he almost tied his tongue and gestured, "Lao Lu and I are both Fudan alumni, and my company is called Fuxing."
"Oh, they are all famous universities." Chen Bo took a bite of green vegetables and bit them to a crisp, faint way. "I dropped out of high school and didn’t even have a diploma."
"I said, how could you refuse cheung kong graduate school of business?" Feng Lun cocked his head and said, "The family depends on parents to go out and rely on friends to do business, especially if it is not because of the sky. This classmate friendship is an iron fist, but everyone else is in a cluster fight. You can’t compete with four hands with your own fists!"
Chen Bo smiled and didn’t answer that a diploma really doesn’t mean ability, but it will draw a camp for you. It’s not too obvious in ordinary occupations, but if you mix at this level, there will be a clear distinction.

07/18/2024 adminq

The most painful thing about Taiwan is that Luo Jin’s face is full of frustration, disappointment, envy, jealousy and other complex expressions. As soon as the press conference is over, he and he fled the scene with a gun, and he was ashamed to go around the signature desk to register the address and ask for the Year 3 player.

"Well done, well handled! Young people should have a young personality. "Zhu Linan and Xiong Xiaoge came over and patted him on the shoulder and encouraged that the conference was a thrilling and successful conclusion. Several investors were very satisfied.
Behind them are Dr. Song Anran, the representative of Softbank Huaxia. Several of them are industry seniors. At ordinary times, Chen Bo gives them the impression that they are very talented, calm and calm, just like people in their 30 s and 40 s who can’t see through his thoughts.
Today, Chen Bo’s performance really made them shine at the moment, and their brains are flexible and they don’t lose their means. This is what young entrepreneurs should have. Being old and so boring feels just like these old men.
"I’m sorry I let you down today. Thank you for helping me out." After several bosses left, Xin came to apologize tunnel.
"You did very well, but your opponent was too cunning to blame yourself." Chen Bo comforted her and then laughed. "If you really want to thank me, why don’t you smile sullenly?"
After listening to the front sentence, Xin still felt warm in my heart, but as soon as the back sentence came out, I immediately opened my mouth and gave him a "get out …" Then I dumped him and went straight.
"You were so angry just now. That reporter is really annoying."
Gao Yuanyuan’s expression is a face of worship. He handed over Chen Bo’s mobile phone and added, "It should be important for floret to call you just now."
Chen Botai gave the words to Gao Yuanyuan in front of the stage. When the storage surface was being scolded, in case of a bell, the combat value would be directly reduced by 10,000 points.
"Hello floret" long press the asterisk to unlock and skillfully call back.
"Well, Chen Bo, I have a TV show here, but the other party is short of funds and looking for investment everywhere. I wonder if we can take this opportunity to pick it up?"
"How is the quality?" "I’ve seen the problem. It should be small, investable or relatively high."
"That’s floret. You can invite a creative person to come to the company to talk."
Now he is really not short of money, and he doesn’t have to make his own money to finish it, so he can implant cards to solve the problems of the crew.
For example, it is absolutely not a problem for Ye Tianhao to pay millions of advertisements for his new mobile phone in the TV play. It is difficult for him to sell his mobile phone badly when the TV play is on fire.
The most impressive thing is that there are all kinds of new Sony Ericsson mobile phones in Hong Kong dramas, while the sponsorship in Hong Kong movies is all Nokia.
Implantation advertising has not been commercialized so thoroughly since the 1970s. Like Transformers, it is simply a well-made advertising blockbuster, and many achievements can be recovered by implantation alone, not to mention a big box office sale.
Chen Bo hung up and stared at Gao Yuanyuan around him and sighed.
"What do you mean by sighing at me? Are you laughing at my ugliness?" Gao Yuanyuan pursed mouth way
"Isn’t it that I have lost a good actor and a little assistant in the Chinese film and television circle?" Chen Bo laughed.
"Who said you little hum! I am still half a year older than you! " Gao Yuanyuan jiao said, "But do you really want me to be an actor?"
"I feel that actors may be more suitable for you. Sometimes think about it."
There is always a feeling of being overqualified to keep the National Goddess as an assistant. Although I don’t know what Gao Yuanyuan was like at that time, he couldn’t force her to do something she didn’t like.
"Is there something wrong with me that you want to fire me?"
Gao Yuanyuan’s eyes are a little rosy, and the glittering and translucent tears seem that the horse is about to slide down her white cheeks.
When Chen Bo saw it, he quickly explained, "No, no, how come!" Elder sister, it’s a public place here, or others will bully you, then I’m yellow mud and shit in my crotch. "
Gao Yuanyuan burst into tears and laughed, even tears were squeezed out of her eyes. "It’s so vulgar. If you dare to bully me, I’ll cry. There are reporters who haven’t left yet. I’ll expose you! Hum "
She is really an actress. She is expected to cry, laugh and laugh when she cries, and learn to threaten people. Chen Bo is the woman who can’t stand crying in front of her and has to beg for mercy.
Shanghai Yahoo Huaxia Headquarters Office
"Editor Luo, please tell me what this is all about!" Zhang Pinghe, general manager of Yahoo Huaxia, held back his anger and threw the newspaper at hand to Luo Jin.
"This is not true. They are jealous that Yahoo deliberately framed and slandered me." Luo Jin squeaked.
"A media is trapped, so dozens of media are blind?" Zhang Pinghe said angrily, "Look at what’s written on the surface?"
Luo Jin picked up the huge print of magazines and newspapers at his feet.
"Chen Cannon once again angered Yahoo! Journalists"
"I’m worried about the IQ of Yahoo!"
"Refuting the reporter’s information and loving hexagrams"
"Yahoo employees don’t get hit in the face because of Yahoo’s on-site gaffes."
It’s embarrassing enough that all the news points to Luo Jin’s nose and scolds fake reporters, and he has to jump out and refute other people’s company operation strategies.
His media reporters have a good impression of Chen Cannon, and every time there is a lack of news materials in his field, it seems that they are also those who deliberately make things difficult for reporters.
Then his reporters naturally don’t hate him, and he is responsible and generous. The young president should be the focus everywhere, except for the interview, which is difficult to make an appointment, and there is nothing wrong with it.
Now Luo Jinke is miserable. He has described the scene clearly, and even some media have made artistic processing. He is a vivid mouse crossing the street and his image has become cannon fodder to set off Chen Bo.
Even if he blew it to the sky, Zhang Pinghe could not believe him.
"I wanted to pull you to the director of operations for half a year. If you go to the US headquarters, these words are enough to kill the whole Chinese company! You go to the human resources department to go through the formalities. You are no longer here! "
Luo Jin staggered out of the general manager’s office, his eyes red, and the words of the person in charge just now were still vivid.
"Chen Bo! I don’t share a mortal enemy with you. Wait for me! " Luo Jin gnashed his teeth and growled at the thought of the high-spirited man on the podium.
After the press conference of Yingmei Music Network, the focus shifted to the first "Pepsi-Cola Chinese Music Billboard" award ceremony held on April 21, and the light media formed a preparatory committee, and famous musicians were invited to set up an award committee.
This is a final cake-sharing event. How can it be sloppy? Although the public may pay more attention to it, there will be several big prizes, but there will be several small prizes outside the big prize. No matter whether you are a newcomer or an old man, having a trophy next to you is also covered with gold. Even if you go out to pick up Shang Yan, you can get a raise.
Lao Wang, who didn’t say hello to any awards evening, reserved some small prizes for several beautiful music networks before he greeted them, and some places left were selected by the awards Committee, and they were also redistributed by the Ministry
The judges who can be selected are all well-known musicians in the industry. You need to rely on his fame to attract singers to participate, and they need your trophy to bring the younger generation or the company to seek benefits and consolidate their position in the circle.
This kind of thing is the same everywhere, even if Chen Bo goes against the whole circle again, he won’t care what Xin and Lao Wang can do.
He has a request that black-box exercises are dispensable, but he must speak his mind.
Brand investment requires big brands, not hungry, and the stage effect of low-end production parties is also good. If you don’t have money, you have to hit the music billboard even if you lose money.
The site awards address has been set for the stage construction, event organization or light media owner of Pengcheng Convention and Exhibition Center. After all, they have much more experience in this field and are professional enough.
Xin Ze took the team to learn beautiful music network and light media. Fatengxun.com was the host and the exclusive internet media platform. He came to Xilang Entertainment to get involved, but how could such a good opportunity be left to him?
At the same time, the voting of the top ten most popular songs is also going on, in which the netizen Tengxun. com and Yingmei Music Netcom vote, while Skynet is responsible for voting in the short message interactive platform light viewing program to maximize business.
Chapter 25 Meet a person of hometown for the first time
Floret’s work efficiency was very high, and he soon made an appointment with the agency office where the drama was created.
This is not the first time for Gao Yuanyuan to come here, but it is the first time for him to appear as an administrative assistant.
"I said why I don’t want to be a full-time artist? I dare to let you dig it." floret was no stranger to Gao Yuanyuan and teased Chen Bo in front of her.
"No, no, I volunteered!" Gao Yuanyuan hurriedly waved his hand and argued that an advertisement for a little nurse was combined with the company. Although it didn’t make much money, the price of his company was much higher than that of his company.
Even if someone still calls her to advertise, she really has lost her interest as an advertising actress. It is not as interesting as being an assistant to Chen Bo.
"floret is joking, and you are serious." Chen Bo laughed. "Is everyone here? Floret "
"I’m just waiting for you to be introduced by friends in the circle. I watch the play well and people are reliable, so I have this idea. It’s up to you to decide whether it works or not."
Jing Wong spent this to give Chen Bo a shot in the eye. After all, this is a matter of saving money. If you lose money, who will you talk to and the decision is really in Chen Bo’s hand
The door of the conference room was pushed, and the three original creators sitting on the sofa got up like a spring.
One of them is particularly conspicuous. He looks more than 1.9 meters tall like an iron tower. He has a big bald head with black-rimmed glasses and a short beard. He looks at his face rather than being an artist. The other two are much more gentle 2.
Seeing Wang Jinghua and two young people watching, but both of them are in their early 20 s, it is impossible for investors to estimate the most, that is, the other party sent company personnel. Is this a bit disrespectful?
Investing in such a big thing is risky, and I feel that I have no hope for this investment.
"This is what I said about Mr. Chen," floret introduced to them.
"This is manager Chen?" This is the first time for such a young investor to meet him. Is it some big family heir to play with tickets?