
Mestalla was drowned by warm cheers.
Amid great cheers, Ibrahimovic excitedly took off his jersey and then ran to the camera in the corner flag area to do a bodybuilder’s move
Then he raised his arms and waved his fist at a VIP box in the stands.
He knew that the man must be looking at himself at this time!
See? This is my ability!
Raiola watched the game in the VIP box accompanied by Ibrahimovic’s father.
His face smiled when he saw Ibrahimovic waving his fist at him.
This is a little interesting!
Then he turned to his father, who was cheering for his son, and said, "Your son has done a great job. I think we can talk about the details."
Selfik, Ibrahimovic’s father, can’t believe that he is quite fat among brokers.
He didn’t expect his son to touch Aiola in this way.
"You have raised a good boy, Mr. Selfik." Laiola nodded with a smile.
Changsheng didn’t know what happened in a box at the Mestalla Stadium. He was surprised when he scored a hat-trick in Ibrahimovic.
As I said before, Ibrahimovic is not the kind of super striker who can score 30 goals in a season.
In fact, it is true. When Ibrahimovic played in the Swedish first division in Malm? in 2 years, he scored 12 goals in 26 games in the first season, which attracted the attention of other teams.
In the second season, he didn’t finish his appearance and scored three goals.
And then Valencia bought it.
He will go to Ajax if there is no constant victory.
Then he made 24 appearances in Ajax’s first season and scored six goals.
He made 25 appearances and scored 13 goals.
Next, whether in Ajax or Juventus, he didn’t score many goals, and none of them reached twenty in a season.
Until he went to Inter Milan.
In his first two years at Inter Milan, his performance in scoring was no different from that at Juventus, except that the number of league goals did not exceed 20.
Until the 9 th season, a very important person came to Ibrahimovic this season.
Mourinho coaches Inter Milan.
In fact, people later criticized Ibrahimovic a lot, such as calling him a bully.
In fact, Ibrahimovic didn’t dominate the ball at all before, whether in Ajax or Juventus, or even in the first two years of Inter Milan.
It was only after Mourinho came that Portugal turned him into a bully.
The team was asked to match the Swedes with Ibrahimovic, so the number of goals scored by Ibrahimovic in the league broke through 20 for the first time that season, reaching 25.
Of course, more goals, more fame, higher status, bigger temper, and bigger ambitions for Ibrahimovic.
Everyone knows the following story-he won the Champions League and ran to hug Barcelona’s thigh, but he didn’t know his position clearly. In Camp Nou, he still wanted to be a bully and dared to compete with Messi for the core. Naturally, he died miserably.
Later, I went to AC Milan. At that time, the temperament of the ball bully had been completely developed. Of course, the number of goals was also increased. In the second season of AC Milan, there were 22 league goals.
This shows why Ibrahimovic’s hat trick will surprise Changsheng so much now.
He wouldn’t be surprised if he knew that Ibrahimovic was famous after the ball bully, but he was surprised if he knew what Ibrahimovic was like before he became famous.
Chang Sheng buys him not because of his scoring ability, but because of his excellent ball control skills and ball range, he is a suitable candidate for his "mad dog" tactics.

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